Debbie's Current Favorite: Lush Linen
Remember the days of hanging your linens to dry in the summer sun? How light and sweet and simple that fragrance seemed to be. From the start of EKKO years ago I always knew I wanted to emulate that wonderful scent when I was able to perfect it. And now, it's here, and better than I could have imagined! Lush Linen is my current obsession, so let's take a look at what makes this candle so special!
WHAT makes up this candle: Lush Linen is 100% hand-poured, soy wax (read more about why that is important here), and is infused with lemon, white tea, and sandalwood to balance out its light yet upscale fragrance.
WHERE do I burn it: This airy scent is honestly perfect anywhere in your home, but I especially love smelling its goodness in the morning as I get ready for my day.
WHO should I gift this candle to: Lush Linen takes a bit more of a feminine shape and would be perfect for any friends with summer birthdays, or even a little happy for a bride-to-be.
WHY choose this candle: Easy... it's easy. I always strive to make candles that enhance your life and memories in the background of your day. I like to imagine that EKKO brings a little light in each of our days.
Lush Linen makes the perfect summer scent and is available now! Be sure to check it out and leave us a review about your thoughts!
Debbie DeJean
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